The human body is remarkable in many ways. One way, in particular, is that it has the natural ability to heal itself. A cut on your finger scabs over, a sprained ankle repairs itself, and a broken bone can be mended. Though we always recommend that patients visit the doctor to ensure proper healing and health, the body knows how to heal itself in most cases. Sometimes the body needs a little help with this healing process. This month we’d like to educate our patients on regenerative medicine, its benefits, and how it can help to treat a variety of conditions.
What is regenerative medicine?
Regenerative medicine refers to the process of regenerating human cells and tissues to restore structure and function to damaged tissues or organs. By stimulating the body’s own repair system, damaged cells and soft tissues are replaced with healthy ones allowing patients to find symptom relief and improve their quality of life. Regenerative medicine can also assist in the healing process by releasing growth factors, proteins, and other important properties required for proper functioning back into the damaged tissue.
Regenerative medicine encompasses a group of biomedical approaches and clinical therapies to accomplish this stimulation. Types of regenerative medicine may include cell therapy,
immunomodulation therapy, and even tissue engineering. Popular regenerative treatments can include Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy or PRP, Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT), and various forms of stem cell therapy.
Why should you consider regenerative medicine?
Though most regenerative medicine treatments were designed to enhance healing, there are various applications for treatments aside from pain management and symptom relief. Conditions such as arthritis, neuropathy, joint disorders, nerve compression, and degenerative disc disease are all conditions with which regenerative medicine can help. Other conditions such as sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, signs of aging, skin conditions, and hair loss can also be treated with regenerative medicine techniques.
Helping You Feel and Function Better
Contrary to what many might think, regenerative medicine isn’t magic. It takes time for the tissues to repair and rebuild and more severe conditions may require additional or alternative treatment methods. The side effects of regenerative medicine are often rare as most methods use your body’s own cells and tissues reducing the risk of infection or rejection. Those who do experience adverse reactions typically experience brief flu-like symptoms. We will discuss your specific condition, risk factors, and goals for treatment during your consultation to determine if a regenerative medicine treatment option is right for you.
For more information on regenerative medicine and our services, please contact Signature Skin Care today.